
8 people were hurt when the ramp of the Bairamalguda flyover fell in Hyderabad.



In a distressing incident, the ramp of the Bairamalguda flyover in Hyderabad collapsed, causing injuries to eight individuals. The unfortunate incident has raised concerns over infrastructure safety and has prompted authorities to launch an investigation into the cause of the collapse.

The incident occurred earlier today when a section of the ramp on the Bairamalguda flyover suddenly gave way, leading to a partial collapse. As a result, several vehicles and pedestrians were caught in the unexpected collapse, causing injuries to eight people in the vicinity.

Local emergency services and authorities swiftly responded to the scene, providing immediate medical assistance to the injured individuals. The injured victims were quickly transported to nearby hospitals for further evaluation and treatment. The severity of their injuries is yet to be determined, and their condition remains under medical observation.

Following the incident, officials from the concerned departments and authorities reached the site to assess the situation and commence investigations into the cause of the ramp collapse. The focus of the investigation will be to determine any structural weaknesses, construction flaws, or maintenance issues that may have contributed to the unfortunate incident.

The Bairamalguda flyover, an important transportation route in Hyderabad, has been temporarily closed as a safety precaution. Authorities have taken steps to divert traffic and ensure the safety of commuters while repair work and a thorough inspection of the flyover are conducted.


The incident has highlighted the significance of regular infrastructure maintenance and rigorous safety checks to prevent such mishaps in the future. Authorities are expected to review and reinforce safety protocols to ensure the integrity of existing infrastructure and prevent similar incidents from occurring.

The welfare of the injured individuals remains a priority, and authorities are extending all necessary support to them and their families during this challenging time. Local residents and commuters have expressed their concern over the incident and urged the authorities to take swift action to rectify any underlying issues and restore the flyover’s safety.

As investigations continue, it is imperative that lessons are learned from this incident to ensure the integrity and safety of vital infrastructure projects across the city. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of proactive measures and regular inspections to prevent any potential risks to public safety.

Authorities and stakeholders are working diligently to restore the Bairamalguda flyover to a safe condition and resume its normal operation as soon as possible. Ensuring the safety of the public remains the top priority, and steps will be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future, thus safeguarding the well-being of the citizens of Hyderabad.

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