
A Harvard study reveals that just one teaspoon of olive oil may reduce the chance of dementia-related mortality.



A daily allowance of 5 grammes of mayonnaise and 5 grammes of vanaspati substituted with an equivalent quantity of olive oil may reduce the risk of dementia-related mortality by 14% and 8%, respectively.

A teaspoon of olive oil per day is associated with a nearly thirty percent reduction in the incidence of dementia-related mortality, especially in women, according to recent studies.

It was shown that substituting equivalent amounts of olive oil for the five grammes of mayonnaise and margarine (also known as “vanaspati”) per day was linked to a 14% and 8% decreased risk of dementia-related mortality, respectively.

Over 92,000 individuals in the US were followed for 28 years by a multinational team of researchers, including those at Harvard University, to examine the impact of olive oil consumption on the risk of dementia-related mortality. Dementia is characterised by a diminished capacity for memory, thought, and decision-making, which affects day-to-day functioning and quality of life.

“Consuming at least 7 grammes per day of olive oil was associated with a 28 per cent lower risk of dementia-related death compared with never or rarely consuming olive oil,” the researchers noted. They also discovered that the outcomes were stable independent of the diet’s quality.


In the research that was published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Network Open, the authors stated, “The findings extend the current dietary recommendations of choosing olive oil and other vegetable oils for cognitive-related health beyond heart health.”

According to the experts, regular use of olive oil may improve heart health and reduce the chance of dementia-related mortality.

The specialists say that using olive oil on a daily basis can lower the risk of dementia-related death and enhance heart health.

It has been demonstrated that adhering to diets like the Mediterranean, DASH, and MIND—all of which call for consuming a teaspoon of olive oil in addition to green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, and fish—improves brain structure and cognitive performance.

The most olive oil consumption was associated with the lowest risk of dementia-related death, suggesting a “potentially specific role for olive oil,” according to the research team.


It was discovered that individuals with the APOE e4 gene, the most prevalent genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease, had a five to nine times higher chance of passing away from dementia. Dementia with Alzheimer’s disease is the most prevalent kind.

The authors noted that even after taking this issue into consideration, the results on olive oil intake remained valid.

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