
Assuring Zelensky that “you will never stand alone,” Biden added, “…as long as it takes”



When Vice President Joe Biden met with Ukrainian President-elect Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday, he delivered a strong message of support for the country.

“You will never stand alone,” Biden told Zelensky. “The United States will stand with you, as long as it takes.”

Biden’s reassurances come at a time when Ukraine is facing immense challenges, both internally and externally. The country is still in the midst of a conflict with Russian-backed separatists in the east, and it is also struggling with a major corruption problem.

But despite all of these challenges, Biden expressed confidence in Zelensky and the Ukrainian people.

“I believe in you,” Biden told Zelensky. “And I believe in the Ukrainian people.”


Biden’s words of support will no doubt be welcomed by the Ukrainian people. In the face of so many challenges, it is good to know that they have a friend in the United States.

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