The Asian Games 2023 has been a thrilling spectacle of sportsmanship and competition, with athletes from across Asia showcasing their skills and determination. The quarterfinal match...
In recent years, international relations have been characterized by complexity and volatility, with diplomatic tensions between nations ebbing and flowing. One such development that has garnered...
Safety in aviation is a paramount concern, with strict regulations and protocols in place to prevent accidents and ensure the well-being of passengers and crew. In...
In a shocking revelation of white-collar crime, an Indian laboratory owner has been sentenced to imprisonment for orchestrating a staggering $500 million genetic test scam. The...
As the scorching summer heat recedes and the monsoon season takes its hold, the National Capital Region (NCR) of Delhi has been greeted by a refreshing...
Rahul Gandhi, the scion of the renowned Gandhi-Nehru family and a prominent figure in Indian politics, recently embarked on a remarkable journey to Ladakh to commemorate...
Cricket, often referred to as a religion in India, has a massive fan following and holds the power to bring the nation together. As India prepares...
Geopolitical tensions often dominate global headlines, and the recent incident involving the reported downing of a Ukrainian drone in the heart of Moscow has escalated the...
In the era of digital communication and social media, discussions and controversies often take center stage, influencing public perceptions and discourse. Recently, the dismissal of Karan...
In a region rife with geopolitical tensions and power struggles, recent events have highlighted the delicate balance between peaceful navigation and escalating conflicts. As a foreign...