The Tamil Nadu police have come under fire for their use of a facial recognition system that has been accused of violating the privacy of citizens....
Since the Pulwama attack in February, there has been a lot of speculation about the future of cricket between India and Pakistan. However, Indian External Affairs...
It was a dark and stormy night. The kind of night that makes you want to curl up in bed with a warm cup of tea...
The number of new cases of COVID-19 in China has risen to 13,811, according to the latest data from the country’s National Health Commission. This is...
Waterlogging and devastation are evident as Cyclone Mandous reaches the coast of Tamil Nadu. The cyclone has caused widespread damage, with trees and power lines downed,...
Ravi Kishan, an actor and politician, has made a statement that has drawn criticism from the public. He has said that he would have stopped having...
The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine has released a statement saying that there is no evidence that air pollution causes mortality. This is a controversial topic, as...
Dozens of men in Telangana abducted a woman from her home in a shocking incident that has left the local community reeling. The victim, who has...
In recent news, 3,988 people in Punjab were recognised for engaging in radical activity. Of these people, 220 received funding from SFJ. This news is shocking...
Rahul Gandhi, the front-runner for the position of chief executive of Himachal Pradesh, has responded to the “Congress mukt Bharat” jibe by saying that the Congress...