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Buddha Purnima 2024: Five obscure but important facts about Gautam Buddha



Buddha Purnima 2024: This is one of the most fortunate days of the year. Buddha Purnima is observed nationwide with great fanfare and fanciness each year. Buddha Purnima is celebrated by the Buddhist community and is thought to be the birth anniversary of Gautam Buddha. It is remembered as the day that Siddhartha Gautam became Gautam Buddha after attaining enlightenment beneath the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya. He engaged in extensive and profound meditation to comprehend the essence of human existence and the source of all suffering before achieving enlightenment. On May 23, people celebrate Buddha Purnima. Here are some interesting facts about Gautam Buddha for you to know while you enjoy the celebrations.

Unknown facts regarding Gautam Buddha:

Astrologer’s prophecy: An astrologer foresaw that the son of Suddhodhana would grow up to be a great person or a holy man even before Gautam Buddha was born. This alarmed Suddhodhana, who constructed three palaces filled with opulent worldly amenities after Siddhartha Gautam was born in order to keep him away from religious teachings.

The family of Gautam Buddha: Gautam Buddha spent many years confined to the palace, preventing him from learning about the outside world. His parents were Queen Maha, a princess of Koli, and Suddhodhana, King of Nepal. Rahul is his son, whom he had with Yashodhara after they were married.

Introduction to Spirituality: At the age of 29, while out for a ride in the countryside, Gautam Buddha saw four things: an old man, a corpse, a sick man, and a wandering ascetic. This experience made him curious about life and inspired him to learn more. These experiences altered his outlook on life.

Wife and son: Early in life, Gautam Buddha left his family to pursue his quest for the meaning of life. Later on, though, he made amends with both his father and his wife, who went on to become a nun and disciple. At the age of seven, Rahul, his son, became the youngest monk and began living with Gautam Buddha.


Travels of Gautam Buddha: Up until the age of 80, Gautam Buddha travelled nonstop in search of answers regarding life and existence. Since nothing in this world is permanent, he taught his disciples to do the best for humanity.

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Father’s Day 2024: What day is it on? Learn the date, meaning, background, and traditions of this day honouring fathers.



Father’s Day 2024: Celebrated every year to recognise fathers and give thanks for their influence in our lives, Father’s Day is observed globally. People honour the sacrifices their father—whether it was their biological father, stepfather, grandfather, uncle, brother, or guardian—made to help shape their life on this day. On this day, show them how much you appreciate them by planning a surprise party, creating handcrafted gifts, preparing their favourite food, or taking them on a trip. On the third Sunday in June, a number of nations celebrate the holiday, including India. If you observe Father’s Day, you ought to be aware of its background, accurate date, meaning, and other details.

Father’s Day falls on June 16 this year, since the joyous occasion is commemorated on the third Sunday of June every year. Spending quality time with your dad, making thoughtful gifts, throwing a movie night, giving him literature, getting a gym membership to enhance his health, performing deeds of kindness like crossing things off his to-do list, and more may all help to make this day special for him. The goal is to commemorate and celebrate the men who have contributed significantly to our lives in order to emphasise the value of the father-child bond.

The History and Significance of Father’s Day in 2024:
Father’s Day began as a result of a selfless project initiated in 1910 by Sonora Smart Dodd in Spokane, Washington. Dodd was inspired to honour her father and many other fathers like him in 1909 after attending a Mother’s Day talk. Inspired by her father’s position as a single parent raising her and her siblings, Dodd made the decision to start celebrating Father’s Day. But widespread celebration of the festival took some time. Father’s Day was eventually acknowledged by the UN officially in 1972.

The celebration of Father’s Day honours the unique role that a father or other father figure plays in a child’s life. A father instills principles in his children that will influence them in the future, and his patience helps them develop character. They are our confidantes, our empathetic shoulders to cry on, and our sympathetic ears to wail into. Thus, occasions such as Father’s Day serve as a constant reminder to treasure and honour them in our lives.

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Eid ul Adha 2024: How to Savour the Occasion at Home



The most auspicious period of the year, Eid ul Adha 2024, is approaching. Around the world, people celebrate Eid ul Adha with much pomp and circumstance each year. Known as the Feast of the Sacrifice, Eid ul Adha is a holiday celebrated mostly by Muslims. Eid ul Adha is known as Bakrid in India. This year, the celebration is scheduled to take place on June 17 in India and June 16 in Saudi Arabia. Eid ul Adha, which often begins with the morning prayer, is a time for introspection, giving, prayer, and volunteer work. Recipes for Eid, such biryani and sheer korma, are made at home and shared with loved ones.

Spending the day at home on Eid ul Adha is a wonderful way to spend quality time with your family. Here are some suggestions:

Welcome guests home:
Send your loved ones invitations with an Eid theme first. Prepare delectable delicacies just for Eid and deck your home with festive décor. Enjoy an enjoyable day filled with laughing, gossip, and delicious cuisine with your loved ones.

Arrange a family outing:

Surprising your loved ones with a surprise trip is a wonderful way to commemorate Eid ul Adha. Have a light supper and spend time laughing as a family instead than overindulging in a large Eid buffet.

Change things up:

You don’t have to stick to the same customs every year. If the family’s women usually prepare all of the Eid meals, let the men do it this year. For Eid al Adha, you can designate a single person to whom each member can offer a gift, rather than having parents give them gifts.

DIY décor:


Plan the look you desire for your Eid ul Adha gathering at home by starting a day early. Gather your whole family and dedicate a day to creating homemade decorations for the celebration with an Eid theme.

Make your own Eid clothing:

Ask your family for assistance in making your clothing rather than purchasing new items for this year’s celebration. You can also prepare your own sweets and pastries for Eid.

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Father’s Day 2024: Original ideas to commemorate the day, ranging from hiking to a movie marathon



Fathers are superheroes undercover, according to Father’s Day 2024. To fulfill our aspirations, they are willing to travel to the edge of the globe. Above all, they are the wind beneath our wings and they love and care for us. They encourage us to always strive to be better versions of ourselves. They toil away in silence to provide us the life we desire. They are our most vociferous supporters and our safety net in difficult times. It is appropriate to honor fathers on a daily basis. Father’s Day is all about showing our dads how much we appreciate them and giving them special treatment. Here is a list as we get ready to celebrate the great day on June 16th.

Original ideas for Father’s Day celebrations:
Trekking: Envision preparing your backpack alongside your father and heading to the inclines that he desired to stroll on. Imagine yourself strolling along those winding roads, navigating the hairpin turns, chuckling at inside jokes, and taking in the stunning sight of the sun rising over the hills. Make your father’s wish come true this Father’s Day.

Movie marathon: Look no further if your father is still fixated on the movie star he loved as a child. Obtain a selection of his favorite films on DVD and enjoy them with the family. Observe him as he enjoys his best day, repeating the language and laughing at the jokes.

Give him a puppy: They say that no one is as devoted to a dog as a father who never desired one in the first place. Give your dad a puppy and watch him care for it if you want to see him act like a child again.

Marathon running: Is your father a health-conscious individual? If not, it’s time to force them to monitor their well-being. Dads dedicate their lives to improving our lives, often neglecting their own needs in the process. Run a marathon with your father for Father’s Day, and watch him begin to take his health more seriously.

Create a collaborative dance video:
Gather the entire family and practice your dad’s dance moves.Get him also onboard and make a dance video together. Have fun over the dance step mistakes, goof ups and giggles.


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