
CCI declines to grant Google an interim stay of the antitrust judgement relating to Android.



Google dealt a blow today when the Competition Commission of India (CCI) declined to grant the company an interim stay of the antitrust judgement relating to Android. This means that Google will have to comply with the CCI’s order to cease “anti-competitive” practices within the next 60 days.

The CCI’s judgement, which was handed down last month, found that Google was using its dominant position in the mobile operating system market to stifle competition. In particular, the CCI found that Google was requiring manufacturers to pre-install Google Search and the Google Chrome browser on their devices in order to access the Google Play Store.

Google has said that it will appeal the CCI’s judgement, but in the meantime, it will have to comply with the order. This could mean making changes to the way that the Google Play Store is integrated into Android, or potentially even unbundling Google Search and Chrome from the operating system.

We will have to wait and see how this plays out, but it is a significant development in the ongoing antitrust saga surrounding Google.

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