
China’s Covid death toll may exceed 2 million, according to a “dire” Hong Kong study.



According to a new study from Hong Kong, China’s death toll from Covid-19 may be as high as 2 million. The study, which is based on data from China’s funeral homes, crematoria, and burial sites, paints a much bleaker picture of the pandemic than the official numbers from Beijing.

If the study’s estimates are accurate, it would mean that the true scale of the pandemic in China is nearly 10 times worse than the official numbers suggest. The study’s authors say that the Chinese government’s underreporting of the death toll is likely due to a combination of political pressure to downplay the severity of the outbreak, and a lack of capacity to deal with the huge number of deaths.

Whatever the true death toll may be, it’s clear that the Covid-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on China. The country is still struggling to contain the outbreak, and the economic damage from the pandemic is estimated to be in the trillions of dollars.

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