
Emmanuel Macron of France on AI: “Work will undergo a revolution, both good and bad”



In an effort to combat inequality, Emmanuel Macron called for a worldwide wealth tax while applauding France’s digital sector and stating that it has the ability to spur economic growth and social mobility. Emmanuel Macron called technology a “key factor of transformation of our economy” in a CNBC interview. “It provides growth, it provides innovation…it created a lot of opportunities for qualified and unqualified people,” he stated in reference to France’s “Choose France” event.

“Artificial intelligence will be a revolution for work, for good and bad,” declared Emmanuel Macron, acknowledging the effects of AI on the workforce and raising worries about it. Okay, there’s no doubt about it now that productivity will rise.However, it will force us to change a lot of our qualifications.

The president of France expressed his goal for his nation to lead the world in artificial intelligence (AI) and recognised the necessity of “accelerating, innovating, and investing.” He also emphasised the significance of international cooperation in AI regulation, saying that “regulating at the appropriate scale, meaning the global one.”

He stated that we must make sure AI advances mankind rather than acting as a “substitute of humanity.”

“The more AI companies choose to locate in Europe, the more the European governments will find themselves in a similar situation as the governments of the United States and China,” he continued. Our problem with AI is to invest, innovate, and accelerate while still regulating at the right scale.”

After US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen referred to the idea of a wealth tax as “a pity,” he addressed income disparity and stated that “having a wealth tax is a global debate” and that it would be a successful solution.

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