
Ex-President of Sri Lanka Gotabaya Rajapaksa and his family depart for the United States



Former Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and his family have left for the United States, where they are expected to live in self-imposed exile.

Rajapaksa’s departure comes just days after the new Sri Lankan government revoked his passport and issued a warrant for his arrest on corruption charges. Rajapaksa has denied any wrongdoing, but with the Sri Lankan legal system stacked against him, he is unlikely to get a fair trial.

Rajapaksa’s decision to flee the country is a major blow to Sri Lanka’s democracy. He was only democratically elected last year, and his departure now means that he has effectively abandoned his mandate.

This is a dark day for Sri Lanka. Rajapaksa was supposed to be the leader who would help the country heal after the devastating civil war. Instead, he has chosen to flee justice and leave Sri Lanka in a state of turmoil once again.

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