
From vitamin D deficiency to heatwaves, discover 10 surprising reasons of heart failure and get longevity advice.



These days, a number of things might be impacting your heart’s ability to pump blood efficiently and deliver oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to various sections of the organ. Whenever your heart isn’t working properly, simple tasks might feel overwhelming. Coughing and shortness of breath become your regular companions, climbing stairs may be an uphill challenge, and performing basic activities might deplete you quickly. Heart failure is the result of your heart’s inability to pump blood as effectively as it should, not that your heart isn’t working at all. Although there isn’t a treatment for this illness, a person with it can extend their life and have a generally healthy existence by making specific lifestyle adjustments.

Environmental factors, psychological factors, nutritional deficiencies, poor dietary decisions, chronic inflammation from certain conditions, and even heat waves can all have an impact on your heart health. For your heart to perform at its best, every area of your health has to be taken care of.

Because the heart must work harder to maintain the proper temperature, extreme temperatures can have an impact on how well it functions. Excessive sugar consumption can also cause cardiac stress, and stress is a major risk factor for heart disease.

Heart failure: What is it?

The heart, which pumps blood to every region of the body, is one of the most important organs. Young people are more likely to suffer from cardiac diseases, and the main causes of conditions like heart attacks, heart failure (HF), and sudden cardiac arrest are a variety of environmental factors, noise pollution, and extreme heat, as well as poor lifestyle choices and underlying heart conditions.

Heart failure accounts for 1.8 million hospital admissions in India each year and impacts 2-3% of the global populace. HF is among the most common medical conditions that contribute to hospital admissions in the senior population. Unfortunately, heart failure is on the rise, therefore it’s critical to comprehend its unanticipated causes as well as strategies for living a longer life.


Unexpected reasons for heart failure

“Apart from the common causes of heart failure such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle,” says Dr. Manish Jha, Director of the Charak Heart Institute in Lucknow, an interventional cardiologist. People should be aware of the following unexpected causes of heart failure:

1. Sleep apnea: This condition causes breathing pauses while you’re asleep. The heart is strained by this illness, which raises the chance of heart failure. It is important to seek medical assistance as soon as one feels they may have sleep apnea.

2. Inadequate levels of vitamin D have been associated with a higher risk of heart disease. Spending time outside, eating foods high in vitamin D, such as fatty fish, egg yolks, and mushrooms, or taking supplements can all help maintain optimal levels of vitamin D.

3. Air pollution: Fine particulate matter in the air causes inflammation and damages the heart muscles, which is one of the main causes of heart disease. People must stay away from locations with high traffic, utilise air purifiers at home, and wear masks when needed in order to decrease their exposure to air pollution.

4. Bad dental hygiene: Gum disease, which has been connected to a higher risk of heart disease, is brought on by poor oral cleanliness. Brushing and flossing twice a day, along with routine dental check-ups, are the three mainstays of proper oral hygiene.


5. Mental health disorders: In today’s environment, heart failure and depression are rather common. because in addition to their effects on the brain, these illnesses have a significant impact on hearth health. Heart failure is a result of two factors: unpleasant emotions and prolonged stress.

6. Excessive sugar consumption: Excessive sugar consumption raises the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Read food labels carefully, stay away from processed foods, and use natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup to cut back on sugar intake.

7. Unhealthy gut: Inflammation, heart disease, and heart failure are all influenced by an imbalance in the gut flora. The state of one’s gut affects their heart and general well-being.

8. Noise pollution: Being around loud noises, such those from traffic and construction, increases the risk of heart failure. These sounds might cause stress to the heart and increase blood pressure.

9. Chronic inflammation: Because high levels of inflammation are bad for the heart, people with chronic inflammatory diseases, such rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease, are more likely to develop heart failure.


10. Heatwaves: Your cardiovascular system is most impacted by extreme heat since it puts strain on the heart. The number of heart failure patients consistently grows with rising temperatures.

Advice on living a longer life

The goals of heart failure treatment are to control the factors that lead to heart failure, lessen the burden on the heart, and stop heart failure from getting worse.

“The first step to having a better and healthier heart is to make lifestyle modifications. Depending on the diagnosis, doctors may recommend any of a wide range of drugs. “Surgical interventions and implants may be used by physicians to help improve patients’ quality of life if they believe that medication alone cannot restore heart function,” adds Dr. Jha.

“The most basic therapy for heart failure is valve replacement, which involves swapping out the human heart valve for a bovine heart valve in order to restore function. In India, cardiac patients frequently receive cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and ventricular assist devices (VADs) as remedial measures. Another implant that has been in use for the past ten years is a cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) device, with half of the outcomes being outstanding. It is a man-made mechanism that controls the electrical signals that cause the heart to pump blood, unlike the bovine valve, Dr. Jha continued.

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