
Hamas claims that if Israel ends the conflict in Gaza, it is prepared for a “full agreement.”



Regarding the ongoing aggression, Hamas announced on Thursday that it had informed mediators that it would not engage in further talks. However, it was prepared to reach a “complete agreement” that would include the handover of prisoners and hostages in exchange for Israel ceasing the conflict.

Negotiations to set up a truce between Israel and the Islamist movement in the Gaza War have frequently broken down, with both parties blaming the other for the lack of progress. These negotiations are being mediated by Egypt and Qatar, among others.

The most recent statement from Hamas was released as Israel continued its onslaught on Rafah, a city in southern Gaza, in defiance of an order by the highest U.N. court, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), to stop the airstrikes.

“Hamas and the Palestinian factions will not accept to be part of this policy by continuing (ceasefire) negotiations in light of the aggression, siege, starvation and genocide of our people” , the statement issued by Hamas said.

“Today, we informed the mediators of our clear position that if the occupation stops its war and aggression against our people in Gaza, our readiness (is) to reach a complete agreement that includes a comprehensive exchange deal,” it stated.

Israel has declared that it is determined to destroy an organisation that is set on destroying it and has rejected previous offers from Hamas as inadequate. It claims that the goals of the Rafah offensive are to free captives and eliminate Hamas fighters.

According to the health ministry there, Israel’s offensive has killed close to 36,000 Palestinians in all of Gaza. Israel began the operation after militants led by Hamas stormed villages in southern Israel on October 7, 2018, killing almost 1,200 people and taking over 250 captives, according to Israeli estimates.

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