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Imposing new asylum regulations, Joe Biden aims to “gain control” at the US-Mexico border.



In an effort to neutralise immigration as a political risk before of the November elections, President Joe Biden announced intentions on Tuesday to implement immediate, significant limits on migrants seeking refuge at the US-Mexico border.

The much-awaited presidential proclamation would prevent asylum from being awarded to migrants when U.S. authorities determine that the southern border is overrun. Following the failure of a bipartisan border security agreement in Congress, which was rejected by the majority of Republican lawmakers at the urging of former President Donald Trump, the presumed GOP presidential contender, the Democratic president had been considering taking unilateral action for months.

Biden stated that although he desired more comprehensive legislative action, “Republicans have left me no choice.” Instead, he insisted that “I believe immigration has always been the lifeblood of America” and stated that he was acting independently to “gain control of the border.”

Biden stated, “Trump told the Republicans he wanted to use the problem to attack me, not to fix it.” “It was a political ploy that was cynical, incredibly cynical, and a total disservice to the American people who want us to fix the border rather than weaponize it.”

However, Trump took to social media to attack Biden once more about immigration, claiming that the Democrat had “totally surrendered our Southern Border” and that his order was “all for show” ahead of their June 27 presidential debate.

When will Biden’s new border policy be implemented?
According to senior administration officials, the directive would take effect when there are 2,500 border interactions between ports of entry per day. Given that the daily averages have increased, Biden’s directive ought to take effect right now. Less than 2,500 people were arrested on average per day for entering the country illegally from Mexico in January 2021, the month Biden took office. At the height of the COVID-19 epidemic in July 2020, border interactions last decreased to 1,500 per day.

Under a seven-day average, the limits would remain in place for two weeks once the daily encounter numbers are at or below 1,500 between ports of entry. Those numbers  were first reported by The Associated Press on Monday.

Increased enforcement with Mexico following high-level bilateral discussions in late December, according to Homeland Security, has reduced illegal crossings but is “likely to be less effective over time,” necessitating further action. “Smuggling networks are flexible, adapting to new policies and procedures,” the government stated in a federal regulation that was released on Tuesday.

According to the government, from July through September, the number of arrests for unlawful crossings might increase to an average of 6,700 per day.

After this order goes into force, immigrants who show up at the border and do not show that they are afraid to go back to their native countries risk being immediately deported from the United States, maybe even in a matter of hours or days. Those immigrants may be subject to penalties that last up to five years.


In the meantime, a U.S. asylum officer will conduct a more thorough screening process than is now the case for anyone who expresses that fear or plans to apply for asylum. They can seek more restricted humanitarian protection, such as the United Nations Convention Against Torture, if they make it through the screening process.

The president and CEO of Global Refuge, Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, expressed his displeasure with the administration’s decision to tighten restrictions on individuals seeking refuge at our southern border and exercising their legal rights. “While it is true that no one likes to see immigrants who are coming to use the asylum system in order to obtain a better life or a better opportunity for employment, we see that our clients and other immigrants are escaping the worst possible situations at a time of unprecedented global migration and believe that the U.S. is still a beacon of hope and refuge.”

On Tuesday, there were no obvious indications of an immediate impact at the border.

The U.S. has the right to impose further limits, according to Iselande Peralta, a Haitian mother and her 3-year-old son who is lodging at a migrant shelter in Reynosa, Mexico. She has been attempting to schedule an appointment via the CBP One web app for the past ten months, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Peralta, 26, believes that CBP One is her best option and would never consider crossing the border illegally.

“I wouldn’t cross the river, even if I was insane.” With a small child like him, how would I go about doing that? I’m ready to hold out,” she remarked.

Biden’s decision comes at a time when the number of migrants encountered at the border has been steadily declining since December. However, senior administration officials argue that the numbers are still excessive and that they may, as is customary, increase in better weather.


How the Biden directive would be carried out
For example, top administration officials claim that under this order, Mexico will continue to admit up to 30,000 residents per month from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela once they are denied entrance from the United States, as per an arrangement already in place between the two countries. However, it’s unclear what happens to foreign nationals who are sent away due to Biden’s order.

In an interview with reporters, four senior administration officials—who insisted on remaining anonymous—acknowledged that Biden’s objective of expeditiously deporting migrants is hampered by a lack of financing from Congress. When it comes to holding migrant families in detention, the administration is also subject to specific legal restrictions, which it has stated it will continue to follow by those obligations.

Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act gives a president the ability to restrict immigration for particular migrants if it is believed that their entry would be “detrimental” to the interests of the country. This is the legal basis for Biden’s claim. Despite promises to sue over the direction from well-known legal groups, senior officials were certain they could carry out Biden’s order.

“We plan to file a lawsuit,” declared Lee Gelernt, an American Civil Liberties Union lawyer who won comparable court battles during Trump’s administration. The prohibition on asylum is unlawful, just as it was during Trump’s botched attempt to obtain it.

Senior administration officials insisted that Biden’s proposal is very different from Trump’s, who relied on the same sections of the Immigration and Nationality Act as Biden. These include Trump’s efforts in 2018 to tighten asylum laws and his 2017 directive to bar citizens of countries with a majority of Muslims.

In Biden’s order, a number of immigrant groups are listed as being exempt for humanitarian reasons. These groups include unaccompanied youngsters, victims of human trafficking, and those with serious medical issues.


Additionally, the instruction would not apply to immigrants who use the CBP One app to schedule appointments with border officers at ports of entry. Since the app’s inception last year, about 1,450 appointments have been arranged to enable migrants to file requests for asylum.

Advocates for immigrants are concerned that Biden’s proposal would just lengthen the already months-long queue of migrants awaiting an appointment via the app, particularly in the absence of a corresponding financial boost for immigration authorities.

According to Jennie Murray, the head of the National Immigration Forum, it would also be challenging for border authorities to swiftly deport migrants given that a large number of them are already assigned to assist with shelters and other humanitarian projects.

“Customs and Border Protection does not have enough staff to handle the current volume of apprehensions, which would lead to even more chaos,” the spokesperson stated.

Biden’s directive was brushed aside by Republicans as merely a “political stunt” designed to demonstrate more stringent immigration enforcement in the run-up to the election.


At a press conference, GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson stated, “He tried to convince us all for all this time that there was no way he could possibly fix the mess.” “Keep in mind that he designed it.”

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Michigan splash pad attack: A couple was shot seven times in total while defending their two small daughters.



During the Michigan splash pad incident, a Rochester couple who were defending their young girls were shot seven times in all. Michael William Nash, 42, shot and wounded nine people at the Brooklands Plaza Splash Pad in Rochester Hills before taking his own life.

After being shot seven times in all, Micayla and Eric Coughlin sustained injuries while attempting to shield their two-year-old and seven-month-old girls. The attack happened close to their house on Saturday, June 15, at approximately five o’clock in the evening.

According to a GoFundMe page created for the couple, they were attacked brutally as they brought their kids to the Brooklands Plaza Splash Pad to “enjoy a day with beautiful weather.” After grabbing a child to shield themselves, they were shot and hurt.

The page says, “They walked to the splash pad shortly after getting ice cream, and they weren’t even there for a minute when Micayla and Eric heard gunfire.” “They each grabbed a child to protect them, trying to save their own children.”

Right now, the woman and husband are receiving treatment in a hospital. Noel Wakula, a friend of Micayla’s, organised the campaign, which has asked for donations to support the family with their medical expenses.

The page says, “Their children were protected and able to go home that evening because of their heroic actions.” “After this unimaginable tragedy, Micayla and Eric have a long and unknown recovery ahead of them.”

Three other members of the same family—a 39-year-old lady, an eight-year-old child, and a four-year-old son—were also killed in the catastrophe. A 78-year-old guy who was shot in the abdomen was the oldest casualty.

It is said that Nash had mental health problems. Although his motivation is being looked into, the Detroit Free Press claims he was unrelated to the victims.

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Netizens express embarrassment at confused Joe Biden being escorted off stage by Barack Obama at an event in Los Angeles.



In a widely shared video, Joe Biden appeared to freeze up on stage at a Los Angeles fundraiser, and former president Barack Obama was seen helping him off. The altercation happened following Biden and Obama’s 45-minute appearance at the Peacock Theatre for a late-night chat with Jimmy Kimmel.

The men can be seen in the footage standing for applause at the star-studded event. Biden seemed to fix his gaze on the audience for ten seconds or more before Obama walked him off the stage and grabbed his wrist. The New York Post reports that the Biden campaign was able to raise almost $30 million at the event. At the occasion were famous people including Barbra Streisand, Julia Roberts, and George Clooney.

“There is no way that this is the head of the free world.”
“No offence… But I’ll never understand why old folks, and I mean rich old men and women just can’t leave politics alone and simply go on about their lives and enjoy EVERY bit of it until the last day,” wrote one of the many comments on the above video that British broadcaster Piers Morgan shared on social media. Too wealthy to be making themselves look bad on national television like this. One person remarked, “Clearly President Obama seems to have stepped in and taken command,” while another said, “They’re simply going to carry on pretending that it’s not happening and continue promoting Biden as “Sharp, dynamic, and full of vigour.”

“Why does Obama appear to be dragging out Biden as some elderly statesman to smile and wave at the crowd? One user said, “This cannot possibly be the leader of the free world,” and another commented, “It’s hard not to feel sorry for Biden.” The elderly boy has to be taken care of and removed from the spotlight by someone. A user said, “It’s so embarrassing that they have allowed this to continue.”

Some people, meanwhile, expressed sympathy for Biden’s poor performance. Would you send him shopping with a list to the nearby stores and expect him to return home if he were your father? It is inhumane. One commenter said, “They are embarrassing him by letting this continue. “I’m sure mainstream media will cry about “camera angles” and “framing” again,” another person commented. Elder abuse is something that must be acknowledged.

In fact, one user went so far as to say he thought the incident was being exaggerated and that Biden had not actually frozen up. “I was present there. In the front row, I witnessed three young people yelling at President Biden. @President Biden did not clam up when trying to listen. Seemingly prepared to reply, Now incorrect news is spreading. Sharing my perspective,” the user wrote.

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Saudi Arabia: As the temperature approaches 48 degrees, 14 Jordanian Hajj pilgrims have died.



Because of the intense heat and prolonged heatwave that pervaded Saudi Arabia during the Hajj, at least 14 Jordanian pilgrims have perished and 17 more are missing. During the Hajj pilgrimage, fourteen Jordanian pilgrims perished and seventeen more went missing, according to the foreign ministry of Jordan. According to the statement, its citizens died “after suffering a stroke due to the extreme heat wave.”

The Jordanian foreign ministry stated in a statement that it was working with the Saudi authorities to arrange for the burial or transfer of the remains of the deceased in accordance with the family’s requests.

Five Iranian pilgrims’ deaths were also confirmed by the Iranian Red Crescent, however the cause of their deaths was not disclosed, according to news agency AFP. Regarding the deaths, Saudi authorities haven’t yet made an official comment.

In the holy town, the temperature has surpassed 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) and is expected to hit 47 degrees on Monday.

As part of their efforts to reduce heat, the Saudi authorities have established numerous climate-controlled rooms. Along with giving out water, they counsel pilgrims on sun protection techniques. Additionally, the Saudi health ministry sent a warning advising pilgrims to avoid the warmest parts of the day outside and to stay hydrated.

One of the world’s biggest mass gatherings is the Hajj. Saudi officials claim that around 1.8 million pilgrims are participating this year. Over the last 30 years, hundreds of deaths have occurred at the festival due to stampedes, tent fires, heat, and other causes.

At least 240 persons, many of whom were from Indonesia, lost their lives during the Hajj pilgrimage in 2018. The death toll was reported by several nations, although the causes of death were not given. Heat stroke affected more than 2,000 pilgrims on the journey.

Hajj for this year would conclude on Wednesday.

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