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Indian Politics

In Bihar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi threatened to “make Pakistan wear bangles if…”



Prime Minister Narendra Modi threatened to force cash-strapped Pakistan wear bangles if it didn’t already, taking aim at the INDIA bloc after comments made by Farooq Abdullah and Mani Shankar Aiyar on Monday.

In response to Rajnath Singh’s pledge to retake Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (Pok), National Conference leader Farooq Abdullah warned earlier this month that Pakistan was not wearing bangles and that it had atomic bombs that could attack India.

Pakistan’s economic issues were emphasised by PM Modi.

“We are not a country of Pakistan; we are people.” If Pakistanis are not wearing bracelets, we will force them to do so. Ab unko aata bhi chahiye, unke pass bijli bhi nahi hai, ab humein maloom nahi ki unke pass choodiyan bhi nahi hai. Without mentioning Abdullah or Aiyar, Prime Minister Modi stated at Muzaffarpur, Bihar, “They don’t have flour, they don’t have electricity, and now I have come to know that they even have a scarcity of bangles.”

Mani Shankar Aiyar, a veteran of the Congress, was seen in an old film that went viral last week, pleading with the Indian government to “respect Pakistan” since it was home to atomic weapons.


In response to his statements, Prime Minister Modi said last week that the Congress had been attempting to mislead the nation’s citizens. He claimed that in the past, such a cavalier approach had fostered cross-border terrorism. Additionally, he made fun of Pakistan by claiming that despite India’s hostile neighbor’s attempts to sell its bombs, no one was interested due to their subpar quality.

Today, Prime Minister Modi declared that throughout the previous ten years, his administration had confiscated illicit funds totaling ₹2200 crore.

PM Modi asserted at Hajipur that the RJD and Congress put their voter base ahead of the wellbeing of the Bihar people. He said that the state was under “Jungle Raj” because of the RJD.

Referencing Lalu Prasad Yadav’s “Muslims should get reservation” statement, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the RJD and Congress will take away the constitutionally granted quota for Dalits, tribal people, and backward classes.

Additionally, he asserted that the RJD and Congress leaders were preoccupied with resolving personal matters.


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Mamata Banerjee declares the INDIA bloc’s post-Lok Sabha election strategy, saying…



Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal, declared on Wednesday that her Trinamool Congress will provide outside assistance to the opposition INDIA coalition in order to establish the government at the federal level.

The BJP is predicting that it will win 400 seats, while some doubt this. The entire nation is aware that the BJP is a party of liars. During a rally in Hooghly, the TMC leader declared, “We (TMC) will support the INDIA bloc from outside to form a government at the Centre.”

“We will extend our support so that in (West) Bengal, our mothers and sisters never face a problem… and those who work in the 100 days’ job scheme, also do not face problems,” she stated.

Banerjee asserted, however, that the TMC would neither back the Congress in Bengal or the Communist Party of India (Marxist), both of which she said were aiding the BJP.

“In Bengal, don’t rely on the Congress or the CPI(M). They are here with the BJP, not with us. I am discussing it (the India bloc) in Delhi,” she reportedly stated, according to PTI.


The TMC decided to go it alone in Bengal even though it was still a member of the INDIA bloc. In the state, the Left Front and the Congress share seats, with the Left parties vying for 30 seats and the Congress vying for the remaining 12 seats.

When Mamata Banerjee brought up Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s defeat in the 2004 general elections, she was reminding the BJP that they were anxious to win. However, the nation’s voice is also in unison when it demands their downfall. The 2004 loss of Atal Bihari Vajpayee was a surprise to nobody. He ran on the platform of “India Shining,” but the tides turned and he lost the election.”

The leader of the TMC also attacked the Election Commission for scheduling general elections for two months apart.

“The Election Commission is a puppet that does what Modi says it should. “Have you (poll officials) ever realised the struggle of the common people? The poll is being held for two and a half months,” the woman questioned.

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Indian Politics

Rahul Gandhi is countered by Narendra Modi with a question on “Adani-Ambani” and “how much money.”



PM Narendra Modi went on to say that the “third fuse of the Congress and INDI alliance has blown up” following the conclusion of the third round of voting.

In response to Rahul Gandhi’s accusation of crony capitalism, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hit back on Wednesday, questioning why the Congressman had ceased “abusing” businessmen like Gautam Adani and Mukesh Ambani since the Lok Sabha polls were announced. Speaking at a rally in Telangana, PM Modi questioned, “What deal has been made?”

“For the past five years, Rahul Gandhi, the Congress Shehzada, has been stating the same thing. Upon grounding his Rafale, he began assuming the identity of Ambani-Adani. But since the announcement of the elections, he has ceased mistreating Adani and Ambani. I would like to know how much money he has. What agreement has been reached? Something isn’t right. PM Modi stated, “You will have to answer to people.”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his administration are accused by Rahul Gandhi of prioritising the interests of businessmen over those of the underprivileged in society.

PM Modi went on to say that the “third fuse of the Congress and INDI alliance has blown up” following the conclusion of the third round of voting.


He stated that the NDA, led by the BJP, was approaching victory in the Lok Sabha elections.

The Congress, according to PM Modi, is undermining India’s potential.

“Are you saying that the Congress ruined the nation’s economy? India’s textile and agriculture industries, which Congress also decimated, were once its greatest assets. “All of the nation’s problems stem from Congress,” he declared.

According to PM Modi, the AIMIM led by Asaduddin Owaisi was given a lease on Hyderabad by the Congress and BRS.

“The BJP is the one who has taken on the AIMIM for the first time. The Congress and BRS are more alarmed by the BJP’s challenge than AIMIM is. Both are contributing to AIMIM’s victory in Hyderabad,” he said.


He said there were about “double R” taxes “from Telangana to Delhi,” making a subtle jab at Telangana chief minister Revanth Reddy.

The ‘double R’ (RR) tax is a topic of great debate from Telangana to Delhi. A few days ago, the Telugu movie “RRR” was released. I was informed that “RR” had replaced “RRR” in the collection. The lifetime collection of ‘RRR’ is reportedly above ₹1000 crore, but this amount of money is only from a few days’ worth of ‘RR’ tax collection, the speaker said.

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Indian Politics

PM Narendra Modi responds after Lalu Prasad Yadav’s “poora Muslim quota” comment sparks controversy.



According to PM Modi, the Congress and its allies seek to take away the constitutionally granted quota advantages for SC, ST, and OBC populations.

On Tuesday, a major uproar was caused by RJD chairman Lalu Prasad Yadav’s statement that Muslims should have “poora” (full) quota. Prime Minister Narendra Modi responded to the statement by saying that the leader of the INDIA bloc, “who is out on bail in the fodder scam,” has disclosed the Congress’s and its allies’ plan to transfer the nation’s largest minority community’s quota of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes.

“Congress remains silent, but one of its allies announced today that the INDI alliance has confirmed its intentions.” Their boss, who was sentenced by the court and is currently incarcerated in relation to the fodder fraud…He was recently released on bond.He stated that Muslims ought to receive reservations—not just any reservations, but “complete” reservations. What does this signify? remarked Prime Minister Narendra Modi today at a rally in Dhar, Madhya Pradesh.

According to PM Modi, the Congress and its partners in the INDIA alliance want to offer “complete reservation to Muslims” and take away the constitutionally granted reservation advantages for SC, ST, and OBC citizens.

In the name of what he dubbed “pseudo-secularism,” PM Modi swore that no one would be able to “erase India’s identity” while he was still alive.


“Congress and INDI alliance people should listen — as s long as Modi is alive, any attempt to erase the identity of India in the name of pseudo-secularism will not succeed,” he stated.

Today’s remarks made by Lalu Prasad Yadav

Muslims should receive “poora reservation,” according to Lalu Prasad Yadav, who spoke to ANI.

“Reservation toh milna chahiye Musalmano ko, poora,” he remarked.

The former chief minister of Bihar made the statement one day after Amit Shah, the head of the Bharatiya Janata Party, said that the Congress had given Muslims reservation by lowering the quota for SCs, STs, and OBCs in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

The BJP responds to Lalu Yadav’s statement

According to BJP spokesman Sudhanshu Trivedi, PM Modi’s concerns on the reservation proved to be valid.


“It’s now evident that the concerns voiced by the BJP and Prime Minister Modi were entirely justified. The Muslim reservation genie has emerged from the INDI alliance lamp and is visible in the sky all the way from the plains of Ganga in the south. Lalu Prasad Yadav made a comment that is noteworthy in that he stated, “Yes, Muslims should get reservations, poora ka poora.” It’s obvious that they intend to take the Muslim community’s reservation by stealing the part belonging to the SC, ST, and OBC populations,” he continued.

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