Title: Chaos in Pakistan: Celebrities Speak Out Against Former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Detention Introduction: The political landscape in Pakistan has recently been engulfed in controversy...
A Ghazipur court convicted Mukhtar Ansari of a gangster case and sentenced him to 10 years imprisonment and a fine of ₹5 lakh. The Ghazipur’s MP-MLA...
According to a senior police source on Friday, the Delhi Police has suspended 11 employees who were on duty in PCR vans and at pickets in...
The son of a Congress MLA in Rajasthan has been detained in a rape case. The victim has accused the MLA’s son of raping her on...
The Sultanpuri district of Delhi has been rocked by a horrific incident in which a woman was killed after being hit by a car and then...
A man in Delhi was detained for defending the occupants of a vehicle that killed a woman. The man, who has not been identified, was taken...
The Kanjhawala killing investigation has been a thorn in the side of the Delhi police force. The latest development in the case is that 10 police...