Title: Delhi’s Heat Wave Nearing an End: Anticipated Relief with Rainfall from May 24 Introduction: Delhi, the vibrant capital of India, has been enduring scorching temperatures...
Title: Bracing for the Heat: Delhi’s Rising Temperatures Forecasted to Soar Over the Weekend, warns IMD Introduction: As the summer season intensifies, Delhi residents are bracing...
Title: Delhi Government vs. L-G: How the Centre’s New Ordinance Violates the Supreme Court’s Decision on the Public’s Will Introduction: The ongoing power struggle between the...
Title: Upholding Student Voices: Hindu College Students Demand Withdrawal of Suspension Notices Introduction In recent days, the campus of Hindu College has been buzzing with student...
Title: Delhi HC Creates a Commission to Perform Unexpected Inspections of Tihar Jail’s Food and Sanitation Introduction In a significant move aimed at ensuring the well-being...
Title: After the Supreme Court’s Decision, Delhi Mayor Kejriwal Pledges a “Massive Administrative Overhaul” Introduction In a landmark decision that sent shockwaves through the political landscape,...
Title: “Conduct… Beyond Dignity: Exploring Delhi University Hostel on Visit” Introduction: Delhi University (DU) is renowned not only for its academic excellence but also for its...
The Delhi Metro has revolutionized public transportation in the National Capital Region of India since its launch in 2002. It has been constantly upgrading its technology...
Recently, the Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal, announced a new plan to introduce upscale buses operated by private aggregators in the city. This move aims...
The recent decision of a Delhi court to grant bail to Arvind Kejriwal and two other defendants in a case related to the alleged fraudulent issuance...