In a recent legal development, Delhi's Deputy Chief Minister, Manish Sisodia, has had his judicial custody extended until June 1. This decision by a Delhi court...
Title: Virat Kohli’s Resilience Shines Through Despite RCB’s Disappointing Elimination from IPL 2023 Introduction: The Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023 witnessed an exhilarating season, filled with...
Title: PM Modi Embarks on Three-Nation Tour with a Warm Traditional Welcome in Papua New Guinea Introduction: Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India has embarked on...
Title: Major Breakthrough: 6 Firearms Recovered, Four Shooters from Lawrence Bishnoi Gang Apprehended Introduction: In a significant development in the fight against organized crime, law enforcement...
Title: Delhi’s Heat Wave Nearing an End: Anticipated Relief with Rainfall from May 24 Introduction: Delhi, the vibrant capital of India, has been enduring scorching temperatures...
Title: Smriti Irani’s Amethi Reminder: “If Rahul Gandhi Remains In Wayanad…” Introduction: The political landscape in India has always been vibrant, with numerous leaders and parties...
Title: Bengaluru’s Torrential Rain and the Tragic Drowning Incident: A Call for Improved Infrastructure and Preparedness Introduction: Bengaluru, often referred to as the Silicon Valley of...
Title: Arvind Kejriwal and Mamata Banerjee: A Crucial Meeting Amidst AAP-Centre Row Introduction: In the backdrop of a recent clash between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)...
Virat Kohli, one of cricket's most prominent figures, recently made headlines with his statement addressing the perception that his T20 cricket skills are deteriorating. Despite hitting...
Title: Suspicious Short Sales of Adani Shares: Insights from SC Panel Findings Introduction In recent news, a Supreme Court-appointed panel has raised concerns about the short...