
India’s future economic superpower is UP, according to Ambassador Sandhu.



India’s future economic superpower is Uttar Pradesh, according to Ambassador Sandhu.

Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state, is also its fastest-growing economy. In the last fiscal year, the state’s GDP grew by 11.2 percent. That’s more than double the national average.

Ambassador Sandhu, who is India’s ambassador to the United States, says Uttar Pradesh is poised to become an economic superpower.

“Uttar Pradesh is the engine of growth of India,” Sandhu said in an interview with CNN. “And I think in the next 10 years, you will see Uttar Pradesh as one of the leading states, if not the leading state, of India.”

Uttar Pradesh is already home to some of India’s biggest companies, including Reliance Industries, Tata Motors, and Bajaj Auto. And it’s attracting more and more foreign investment. In the last fiscal year, the state received $4.3 billion in foreign direct investment.


Sandhu says Uttar Pradesh has the potential to become a global manufacturing hub, like China.

“Uttar Pradesh has all the ingredients to become the next China,” he said.

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