Every year, people with autism gather to celebrate Autistic Pride Day. This day recognizes the value of pride for individuals with autism and its role in...
In the Hindu month of Jyeshtha, on the eleventh lunar day of the waxing phase, comes Nirjala Ekadashi, a significant Hindu holy day. The waterless fast...
Father’s Day 2024: Celebrated every year to recognise fathers and give thanks for their influence in our lives, Father’s Day is observed globally. People honour the...
The most auspicious period of the year, Eid ul Adha 2024, is approaching. Around the world, people celebrate Eid ul Adha with much pomp and circumstance...
World Blood Donor Day 2024: Donating blood is a noble task, and it also comes with multiple health benefits. Blood transfusion is done to treat multiple health disorders...
Fathers are superheroes undercover, according to Father’s Day 2024. To fulfill our aspirations, they are willing to travel to the edge of the globe. Above all,...
Don’t engage in sexual activity. It is “the only way to completely avoid STIs,” according to public health organizations. Avoid engaging in any oral, anal, or...