NCW chief faces no response from Manipur authorities on women-related violence.



Upholding Women’s Rights: The NCW Chief’s Struggle for a Response from Manipur Authorities

In a country that cherishes its diversity and unity, it is disheartening to witness instances of violence and discrimination against women persisting. The National Commission for Women (NCW) is a crucial institution tasked with safeguarding women’s rights and ensuring their protection across India. Recently, the NCW Chief has voiced her concerns over the lack of response from Manipur authorities in addressing women-related violence. In this blog post, we will delve into the gravity of the issue, the role of the NCW, and the need for collaborative action to address this pressing matter.

It is deeply concerning that despite the NCW’s efforts to tackle women-related violence and protect the rights of women in Manipur, they have encountered a startling lack of response from the state authorities. The NCW, an organization vested with the power to investigate and intervene in matters concerning women’s welfare, relies on cooperation and collaboration with state authorities to execute its responsibilities effectively. However, in this case, the deafening silence from Manipur authorities speaks volumes about the challenges faced in addressing women’s issues.

Violence against women is a pervasive issue not only in Manipur but across the country. From domestic violence and sexual assault to harassment and gender-based discrimination, women continue to bear the brunt of such atrocities. The NCW’s efforts are crucial in seeking justice for victims, raising awareness, and advocating for policy changes to prevent future incidents. The silence of Manipur authorities further exacerbates the problem, perpetuating a climate of impunity for perpetrators.

The NCW was established under the National Commission for Women Act of 1990, with the mission to protect and promote women’s rights. The commission plays a vital role in investigating and examining complaints related to women’s issues, conducting research, and advising the government on policy matters affecting women. Their efforts are instrumental in bridging the gap between gender inequality and ensuring a safer environment for women.


ddressing women-related violence requires a collective effort involving the government, civil society, and citizens alike. The lack of response from Manipur authorities should serve as a wake-up call for all stakeholders to come together and prioritize the safety and well-being of women. Key steps to initiate change include:

  1. Open Dialogue: A constructive dialogue between the NCW and the Manipur authorities is essential to address the barriers and challenges faced in tackling women-related violence.
  2. Policy Reforms: Policymakers must work closely with the NCW to implement legislative changes that strengthen women’s rights, enhance accountability, and provide adequate protection for victims.
  3. Sensitization Programs: Training and sensitization programs should be conducted for law enforcement officials, judiciary, and society at large to create a more empathetic and gender-sensitive environment.
  4. Awareness Campaigns: Public awareness campaigns can help in dispelling myths, challenging stereotypes, and promoting a culture that respects women’s rights.

The struggle of the NCW Chief to elicit a response from Manipur authorities on women-related violence highlights the urgent need for greater collaboration and collective action. Women’s rights are human rights, and the safety and well-being of women should be a non-negotiable priority for any society. It is high time that all stakeholders unite to address the prevailing issue of violence against women, ensuring that no woman in Manipur or anywhere else in the country has to suffer in silence. By fostering a culture of respect, empowerment, and accountability, we can pave the way for a brighter, safer future for all women.

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