In the complex world of politics, entertainment, and international relations, even the smallest events can have far-reaching consequences. The recent news of Seema Haider, an alleged...
Independence Day is a time of pride, patriotism, and unity as nations celebrate their hard-fought freedom. In 2023, Delhi took this celebration a step further by...
In a remarkable display of global space exploration, Russia has launched a spacecraft destined for the moon shortly after India’s successful Chandrayaan-3 mission. This back-to-back lunar...
A seemingly innocuous gesture took a political twist when Rahul Gandhi, a prominent figure in Indian politics, sent a flying kiss to an individual who is...
In a significant development, the Supreme Court Collegium has taken the decision to transfer the Gujarat High Court judge who refused to vacate the sentence against...
In a dazzling celebration of Singapore’s rich cultural tapestry and vibrant heritage, Google has unveiled a captivating Google Doodle featuring the iconic Clarke Quay as a...
Soccer fans and pundits were taken by surprise when Dutch goalkeeper Nick Marsman’s contract with Inter Miami was abruptly terminated just a few weeks after he...
In a devastating incident that has sent shockwaves through the heart of Newark City, an explosive building collapse has left a trail of destruction and perplexed...
In a significant development that has sent shockwaves through Pakistan’s political landscape, former Prime Minister Imran Khan is set to face treason charges following allegations of...
In a groundbreaking development that has ignited widespread anticipation and curiosity, a former Navy pilot and intelligence officer is set to disclose UFO (Unidentified Flying Object)...