Artificial sweeteners have gained popularity as substitutes for sugar in various food and beverage products, but concerns persist regarding their impact on heart health. To shed...
In the fast-paced and demanding world we live in, managing stress and maintaining a healthy work-life balance has become increasingly crucial. To help individuals navigate these...
A massive fire broke out in the residential area of Krivtsovo, Moscow, engulfing numerous homes and causing widespread destruction. The incident, which occurred on July 12,...
In a devastating turn of events, a Mexican family visiting India before their planned trip to Nepal was involved in a fatal helicopter accident, leading to...
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to embark on a diplomatic visit to France and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from July 13 to July...
In a heart-wrenching incident, a young student in Dhanbad took her own life after allegedly being subjected to physical assault by a teacher for wearing a...
Himachal Pradesh, a picturesque state in northern India, is currently facing the wrath of devastating floods, leading to a tragic loss of life and widespread disruption....
In a significant development, a draft of the defense legislation in the United States Senate has put forth provisions that would enable deeper collaboration and cooperation...
In a significant development, the upcoming opposition gathering in Bengaluru is set to witness the participation of 24 political parties, including the influential Muslim League, according...
uly 11, 2023 – If you struggle with getting a restful night’s sleep, incorporating yoga into your evening routine can be a game-changer. Practicing calming yoga...