
Papua New Guinean leader visits landslide-affected village



Sydney, – James Marape, the prime minister of Papua New Guinea, praised foreign relief donors for their support on Friday during his first visit to a rural community devastated by a tragic landslip that occurred last week.

The number of victims buried beneath portions of the mountain that fell upon the Yambali village in the Enga area one week ago is still a mystery to officials.

The PNG government claims that nearly 2,000 people may have been buried alive. The U.N. estimated that 670 people had died.

The Papua New Guinea Post Courier stated that Marape expressed regret to the locals for not making a visit sooner.

Marape was quoted as saying, “I’m sorry.” “The country is with you in your time of sorrow.”

He has promised to donate 20 million Kina towards first aid and emergency response.

According to the United Nations migration agency, Marape also conducted an aerial inspection of the tragedy site.

Due to the area’s hazardous topography and tribal strife, heavy equipment and assistance have been delayed in their arrival. As of Thursday, representatives of the PNG government had ruled out searching beneath the debris for survivors and said that they would instead concentrate on recovering bodies.

In an effort to stop the spread of diseases from decomposing bodies, the U.N. migration agency announced that PNG authorities will quarantine the tragedy site after 14 days and restrict access.

The water supplies in the community have been contaminated by water that was flowing beneath the debris, according to the UN. Those who are not found will be listed as missing, according to the agency.

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