
PM Modi says he is “very disturbed” after Bolsonaro supporters stormed Brazilian government facilities.



I am very disturbed by the reports of Bolsonaro supporters storming Brazilian government facilities. This is a grave situation and I urge the Brazilian authorities to take all necessary measures to protect their people and restore order.

After supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro attacked and vandalised the government’s main institutions on Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi Monday joined other foreign leaders in denouncing the protests in Brazil.

“very troubled by reports of unrest and vandalism in Brasilia against government buildings. All parties must uphold democratic traditions. We offer the Brazilian government our unwavering support ” he Tweeted.

A week after President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s inauguration, Bolsonaro supporters burst into the country’s congressional building, Supreme Court, and presidential palace. Bolsonaro had been defeated by Lula da Silva in a runoff election on October 30.

Social media videos depicted Bolsonaro supporters storming the three buildings, smashing windows and furniture, and scaling roofs. Some of the protesters demanded military action to either instal Bolsonaro back into office or remove Lula from the presidency.


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