
Saudi Arabia: As the temperature approaches 48 degrees, 14 Jordanian Hajj pilgrims have died.



Because of the intense heat and prolonged heatwave that pervaded Saudi Arabia during the Hajj, at least 14 Jordanian pilgrims have perished and 17 more are missing. During the Hajj pilgrimage, fourteen Jordanian pilgrims perished and seventeen more went missing, according to the foreign ministry of Jordan. According to the statement, its citizens died “after suffering a stroke due to the extreme heat wave.”

The Jordanian foreign ministry stated in a statement that it was working with the Saudi authorities to arrange for the burial or transfer of the remains of the deceased in accordance with the family’s requests.

Five Iranian pilgrims’ deaths were also confirmed by the Iranian Red Crescent, however the cause of their deaths was not disclosed, according to news agency AFP. Regarding the deaths, Saudi authorities haven’t yet made an official comment.

In the holy town, the temperature has surpassed 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) and is expected to hit 47 degrees on Monday.

As part of their efforts to reduce heat, the Saudi authorities have established numerous climate-controlled rooms. Along with giving out water, they counsel pilgrims on sun protection techniques. Additionally, the Saudi health ministry sent a warning advising pilgrims to avoid the warmest parts of the day outside and to stay hydrated.

One of the world’s biggest mass gatherings is the Hajj. Saudi officials claim that around 1.8 million pilgrims are participating this year. Over the last 30 years, hundreds of deaths have occurred at the festival due to stampedes, tent fires, heat, and other causes.

At least 240 persons, many of whom were from Indonesia, lost their lives during the Hajj pilgrimage in 2018. The death toll was reported by several nations, although the causes of death were not given. Heat stroke affected more than 2,000 pilgrims on the journey.

Hajj for this year would conclude on Wednesday.

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