
“Soldiers of PM Modi”: Kangana Ranaut is certain that the BJP will win all of the Himachal seats.



Actress and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Kangana Ranaut voted on Saturday in the seventh phase of the Lok Sabha election, expressing confidence that her party will win all four of Himachal Pradesh’s seats. The Mandi-born BJP candidate, Ranaut, claimed that the state is seeing a full-blown “Modi wave.”

After casting her ballot, Kangana Ranaut made an appeal to voters to exercise their right to vote, saying, “I appeal to everyone to exercise their right to vote in this festival of democracy.” So much blood has been lost for us to be able to exercise this right.

“In Himachal Pradesh, the Modi wave is complete. In barely two months, our prime minister has delivered at least 80-90 interviews and led around 200 demonstrations,” she continued. “We are soldiers of PM Modi, and we will win all four seats in Himachal Pradesh,” declared the actor-turned-politician, projecting confidence in the BJP’s “400 paar” slogan for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.

Ranaut also took aim at the opposition for attacking the two days that Prime Minister Narendra Modi spent in Kanniyakumari in meditation. “The Prime Minister is not a new convert to meditation,” stated Ranaut. He used to meditate even when he wasn’t a politician. These folks are now having issues with that as well.

As Kangana Ranaut makes her political debut, a high-profile electoral contest is taking place in Himachal Pradesh for the Mandi parliamentary seat. The son of former chief minister Virbhadra Singh, Congress candidate Vikramaditya Singh, is her opponent in the polls.

Virbhadra Singh’s wife, Pratibha Devi Singh, is the current Mandi Lok Sabha member. In the by-election that was held after the passing of then-BJP MP Ram Swaroop Sharma, she took the seat for the Congress.

Today marks not only the bypolls for six assembly seats in the state, but also the seventh and final round of the Lok Sabha elections in the four Himachal Pradesh constituencies: Kangra, Mandi, Hamirpur, and Shimla.

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