Air India, India’s flagship carrier with a rich history spanning nearly nine decades, has embarked on a journey of transformation. In a bid to modernize its...
The Indian military is renowned for its professionalism, discipline, and expertise in a range of challenging environments. These qualities were once again on full display during...
Delhi, the bustling capital of India, is known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and economic significance. However, in recent years, it has also earned the...
Typhoons are a natural phenomenon that often strike East and Southeast Asia, bringing with them powerful winds, heavy rains, and significant disruptions. Typhoon Koinu, the latest...
Safety and security in aviation are paramount, and any threat to commercial aircraft is taken with the utmost seriousness. Recently, the Philippines issued a high-level security...
The tech industry is often portrayed as a land of opportunity, innovation, and prosperity. However, behind the glossy veneer of tech giants like Meta (formerly Facebook),...
Every year, the Nobel Peace Prize recognizes individuals and organizations who have made outstanding contributions to promoting peace and human rights. In 2023, the Nobel Peace...
Delhi’s Hauz Khas, known for its historical significance and a blend of tradition and modernity, has recently become the center of political controversy. The Bharatiya Janata...
India’s fight against Naxalism, a long-standing internal security challenge, has seen significant developments recently. Amit Shah, India’s Home Minister, has taken a proactive and assertive step...
In the ever-evolving world of international relations, diplomatic missions and personnel often adapt to changing circumstances. Recently, Canada made headlines by relocating a number of its...