Shimla, Himachal Pradesh – In the aftermath of devastating floods that have wreaked havoc in parts of Himachal Pradesh, residents are now faced with another blow...
The Trump administration has announced that it will stop importing crude soybean oil because of a tariff rate quota. The move is expected to impact the...
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella spoke with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday, and praised the government’s aim for “Digital India.” Nadella said that Microsoft is committed...
The Supreme Court ruled yesterday that the government cannot be held vicariously liable for a minister’s remarks. This means that if a minister makes a defamatory...
The central government has held a slew of meetings since last week after the surge in China cases caught the world’s attention. Nearly 18 per cent...
The US House of Representatives has approved a government spending bill that includes $1.7 trillion in spending and $45 billion for Ukraine. This is a significant...
The winter session of parliament ended early on Friday amid continuing conflict between the government and opposition over a range of issues. The session was originally...
The government has recently announced that it will be cracking down on the theft of fertiliser. This is a problem that has been plaguing farmers for...
The government of Arunachal Pradesh has been asked for its opinion on a hydroelectric project that has been met with protests from indigenous people. The project,...
The government is committed to being more transparent, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said on Thursday, when asked about the gifts she received from officials during her...