In the complex world of politics, entertainment, and international relations, even the smallest events can have far-reaching consequences. The recent news of Seema Haider, an alleged...
Independence Day is a time of pride, patriotism, and unity as nations celebrate their hard-fought freedom. In 2023, Delhi took this celebration a step further by...
Political discourse often reveals the dynamics of power, ideology, and differing viewpoints within a democratic society. The recent suspension of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Raghav...
A nation’s legal framework is a reflection of its values, priorities, and commitment to justice. India, a diverse and dynamic democracy, recently underwent a significant reform...
A seemingly innocuous gesture took a political twist when Rahul Gandhi, a prominent figure in Indian politics, sent a flying kiss to an individual who is...
In a significant development, the Supreme Court Collegium has taken the decision to transfer the Gujarat High Court judge who refused to vacate the sentence against...
RBI’s Strategic Move: Key Lending Rate Held Steady at 6.5 Percent Following Two-Day Policy Meeting In a highly anticipated decision, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)...
FIR Filed as Son of Shinde Faction MLA ‘Kidnaps’ Music Company CEO in Mumbai The bustling city of Mumbai, known as the heart of the Indian...
In a significant development that has stirred conversations across the nation, the Indian Parliament has given its seal of approval to the IIM Bill, a landmark...
The Supreme Court of India has recently made a significant ruling regarding the enforcement of Section 19 of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). The...