The world is currently witnessing a turbulent time marked by conflicts, crises, and challenges that transcend borders. In this context, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call...
In the volatile region of the Middle East, tensions often run high, and conflicts can erupt at any moment. One such ongoing conflict is the Israeli-Palestinian...
Space exploration has always been a captivating endeavor, and for many nations, sending humans into space is the ultimate achievement. India, known for its ambitious space...
The safety and well-being of children online are paramount concerns in today’s digital age. The rapid growth of internet usage and social media platforms has unfortunately...
The world of investing is full of stories of individuals who have achieved remarkable financial success by making shrewd investment choices. In one particularly astonishing case,...
As the world continues to grapple with the aftermath of the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, the plight of Afghan refugees has become an urgent concern. Amidst...
Air India, India’s flagship carrier with a rich history spanning nearly nine decades, has embarked on a journey of transformation. In a bid to modernize its...
The Indian military is renowned for its professionalism, discipline, and expertise in a range of challenging environments. These qualities were once again on full display during...
Typhoons are a natural phenomenon that often strike East and Southeast Asia, bringing with them powerful winds, heavy rains, and significant disruptions. Typhoon Koinu, the latest...
Safety and security in aviation are paramount, and any threat to commercial aircraft is taken with the utmost seriousness. Recently, the Philippines issued a high-level security...