Real-life violence that inspired Squid Game left countless dead, survivors were ‘frustrated’ by Netflix show The Ssangyong strikes of 2009, which engulfed a car factory in...
Paatal Lok season 2 also stars Tillotama Shome, Nagesh Kukunoor, and Jahnu Barua in pivotal roles. The crime drama will premiere on Prime Video. The blood-soaked...
When the Phone Rings’ ratings shoot up in second half; Fiery Priest 2 charges toward finale with record highs As 2025 approaches, fans are bidding farewell...
Arif Zakaria on playing Jinnah in Freedom at Midnight: Didn’t attach any political flavour to it Arif Zakaria’s performance as Jinnah in Freedom at Midnight seems...
Bandish Bandits 2 trailer: Love, conflict and musical legacy take center stage as Ritwik Bhowmik, Shreya Chaudhry return The Bandish Bandits 2 trailer opens with a...
International Emmy Awards: Anil Kapoor’s The Night Manager loses to Drops of God The Night Manager was the only entry from India across 14 categories at...
Actor Jung Woo Sung confirms 1st major public appearance amid Moon Ga Bi controversy Jung Woo Sung will still be attending the Blue Dragon Awards scheuled...