With significant gains in parliamentary seats, far-right groups rocked the established powers in the European Union, handily defeating French President Emmanuel Macron, who called early legislative...
At a Detroit Democratic event on Saturday night, June 8, Kamala Harris reprimanded an anti-Israel demonstrator who had interrupted her. On social media, a video of...
Assuming that all of the previously circulated conspiracy theories about Kate Middleton’s disappearance have been refuted, the Internet rewards us with more location guessing games! In...
Per a person familiar with the situation, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to speak to a joint session of Congress on July 24. Netanyahu...
The hajj will begin on June 14, according to Saudi Arabia, after astronomical observatories saw the crescent moon on Thursday night, indicating the start of the...
The second annual Indicators of Global Climate Change Report is showing that the pace of increase in global warming caused by humans is 0.26°C per decade,...
In an effort to neutralise immigration as a political risk before of the November elections, President Joe Biden announced intentions on Tuesday to implement immediate, significant...
According to a statement released on Monday, the leaders of the main countries that make up the Group of Seven (G7) “fully endorse and will stand...
An Ivy League graduate offended Columbia University, his old mater, by surreptitiously giving an amazing $260 million of his money to Israel’s largest university, Bar-Ilan. According...
World Environment Day 2024: The only place we know that is home is the earth. This planet raises us and shapes who we are from the...