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The CAT-2022 results have been released, and four students from Lucknow can now attend the best business schools.



The CAT-2022 results are out, and four students from Lucknow have made the cut to attend some of the best business schools in the country. This is a great accomplishment for these students, and they should be very proud of themselves.

A student from IIT-BHU has scored 95 percentile in Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension and 99.9 percentile in Quantitative Ability. He is expecting calls from the top three B-Schools in India—IIM-Ahmedabad, IIM-Bengaluru and IIM Calcutta.

However, he is yet to decide if he wants to take up a corporate job or become an entrepreneur.

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Live CBSE 2024 Board Exam: Political Science Class 12 Paper Begins



The Central Board of Secondary Education conducted the CBSE Class 12 Political Science exam on March 22, 2024, across the country and abroad. The exam was conducted in single shifts from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. Students arrived an hour before the exam began at 9:30 am. The Board provided 15 minutes of extra time for thorough reading of the question papers, after which they began writing.

The paper ranked moderate in difficulty level, with teachers highlighting that students who thoroughly revised the syllabus performed well.

The Board mandated that exam-taking students wear their uniform, carry their admit cards, and carry stationary items to the exam center.

CBSE Class 12 exam starts February 15 and ends April 2, 2024. Stay updated on exam paper analysis, student reactions, and other information on the blog.


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Students at Hindu College demand that the suspension notices be withdrawn.



Title: Upholding Student Voices: Hindu College Students Demand Withdrawal of Suspension Notices


In recent days, the campus of Hindu College has been buzzing with student protests, as a significant number of students have come forward to demand the withdrawal of suspension notices issued to their fellow peers. The move comes in response to disciplinary actions taken by the college administration following student demonstrations and activism on various social and political issues. This blog post aims to shed light on the demands put forth by the students, their significance, and the broader implications of upholding student voices within the academic community.

Context of Student Protests

Hindu College has a long history of student activism and vibrant intellectual discourse, reflecting the essence of academic freedom and democratic principles. Recently, students at the college have been actively engaged in advocating for social justice, equality, and political change, both on and off-campus. However, the administration’s response to these student-led initiatives has raised concerns among the wider student body.


The Suspension Notices

The crux of the ongoing protests revolves around the suspension notices issued to several students involved in organizing and participating in demonstrations. The notices have raised questions about the college administration’s stance on student activism and their willingness to engage with dissenting voices. Students argue that the disciplinary actions taken against their peers are an infringement on their right to express their opinions and exercise their democratic rights.

Demand for Withdrawal

The demand put forth by the protesting students is simple and clear: they call for the immediate withdrawal of the suspension notices. They argue that punitive measures, such as suspension, hinder constructive dialogue and discourage students from engaging in social and political issues that shape the world they live in. The students believe that open conversations, debates, and peaceful protests are essential components of a vibrant educational environment and an integral part of their holistic development as responsible citizens.

The Significance of Student Voices


Student activism plays a vital role in driving social change and shaping the collective consciousness of a society. By voicing their concerns, students contribute to the broader discourse on pressing issues, challenge the status quo, and hold institutions accountable. Upholding student voices is crucial for nurturing critical thinking, promoting empathy, and encouraging active citizenship among the youth.

Engagement and Dialogue

Rather than suppressing student activism, it is essential for educational institutions to foster an environment that encourages engagement and dialogue. Educational institutions should serve as platforms where students can freely express their opinions, challenge prevailing narratives, and work towards finding solutions to societal problems. This approach not only enhances students’ intellectual growth but also strengthens democracy by nurturing an informed and engaged citizenry.

The Way Forward

In order to address the ongoing concerns at Hindu College, it is important for the administration to engage in meaningful dialogue with the protesting students. A constructive and inclusive approach can help bridge the gap between students and authorities, allowing for a better understanding of each other’s perspectives. By creating channels for open communication, the college administration can work towards finding common ground and resolving the issues at hand.



The demand of Hindu College students for the withdrawal of suspension notices is an assertion of their right to express their opinions and engage in peaceful activism. Upholding student voices is not only crucial for their personal growth and development but also plays a significant role in shaping a just and inclusive society. It is imperative for educational institutions to recognize the value of student activism and create an environment that encourages dialogue, empathy, and critical thinking. The current protests at Hindu College provide an opportunity for meaningful engagement between students and the administration, paving the way for a stronger and more democratic campus community.

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Daughter of a Tamil Nadu daily wagerer earns 600/600 in Class 12



In a heartwarming story that has captured the attention of the nation, the daughter of a daily wager from Tamil Nadu has achieved a remarkable feat by earning a perfect score of 600/600 in her Class 12 exams. The young woman’s achievement is a testament to her hard work and dedication, as well as the power of education to transform lives.

The daughter of a daily wager from Tiruvallur district in Tamil Nadu, the young woman faced numerous challenges growing up. Despite these challenges, she remained determined to succeed and focused on her studies, hoping to create a better future for herself and her family.

Her dedication paid off when she received her Class 12 results, and it was revealed that she had earned a perfect score of 600/600. The news of her achievement has been celebrated throughout the country, with many people inspired by her dedication and perseverance.

The young woman’s achievement is particularly significant in the context of Tamil Nadu, where education has long been a key driver of social and economic mobility. Despite facing numerous obstacles, she was able to achieve academic excellence and set an example for others to follow.

Her story is also a reminder of the importance of investing in education and supporting students from all backgrounds to reach their full potential. Education has the power to transform lives and break the cycle of poverty, and stories like this one serve as a powerful reminder of its potential to do so.


In conclusion, the story of the daughter of a Tamil Nadu daily wager who earned a perfect score of 600/600 in her Class 12 exams is a testament to the power of education and the potential of young people to overcome obstacles and achieve great things. Her achievement is an inspiration to us all and a reminder of the importance of investing in education to create a better future for all.

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