
The US Supreme Court upholds the availability of the abortion drug mifepristone.



Abortion opponents’ attempts to restrict access to the procedure have come to an end when the US Supreme Court rejected a request to limit access to a medicine used in the procedure.

Overturning a lower court’s ruling from the previous year to restrict access to the drug mifepristone—which is used in more than half of all abortions performed in the nation—the judges voted 9 to 0 on Thursday.

A recent study revealed that the pill, which the FDA approved in 2000, is used in more than 60% of abortions performed in the US.

Democrats and proponents of women’s rights were incensed in 2022 when the conservative-dominated Supreme Court struck down a significant decision that legalised abortion.

The decision on Thursday was made months ahead of the US elections, in which the campaign had made reproductive rights a key platform.

After the Supreme Court upholds access to abortion pills, Biden criticises the GOP agenda.
Three Supreme Court justices were chosen by US President Donald Trump, who will take over US President Joe Biden in November. Roe v Wade was the 1973 decision that secured the right to an abortion.

Since the federal guarantee of abortion rights was withdrawn, access to the procedure has been severely restricted in dozens of Republican-controlled states.

Over the past two years, Democrats have used reproductive freedom and the right to an abortion to attack Republicans.

The Supreme Court’s decision on the abortion pill was welcomed by Biden on Thursday, stating that the judgement “does not change the fact that a woman’s ability to obtain the medicine she needs is imperilled, if not  impossible, in many states.


“But let’s be clear: attacks on medication abortion are part of Republican elected officials’ extreme and dangerous agenda to ban abortion nationwide,” Biden stated in a statement.

The plaintiffs in the mifepristone lawsuit had to prove that the FDA had caused them harm, but the Supreme Court found that they lacked the legal standing to pursue the action.

For many years, abortion has been a contentious political topic in the US.

Restrictions on abortion have been stressed as important for decades by conservative religious groups. Liberals argue that abortion is a component of a woman’s medical treatment, personal choices, and physical autonomy and reject government limits on the operation.

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