
This might be the NATO strategy for Ukraine. ‘Protection’ from, not membership…



Brussels, July 11, 2023 – In a significant development, NATO has outlined its strategy for Ukraine, indicating a shift towards prioritizing “protection” over immediate membership. The approach seeks to address the security concerns of Ukraine while avoiding further escalation with Russia. The decision comes after a series of discussions among NATO member states, recognizing the complex geopolitical dynamics surrounding Ukraine.

NATO’s new strategy emphasizes the need to enhance Ukraine’s defense capabilities, strengthen military cooperation, and provide support for reforms in the country’s security sector. The focus on “protection” aims to safeguard Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and stability, without immediately granting NATO membership.

The decision to prioritize protection aligns with NATO’s approach of cautious engagement in areas of regional conflicts and geopolitical tensions. It acknowledges the sensitivities surrounding Ukraine’s relationship with Russia, taking into account the potential risks associated with an accelerated NATO membership process.

NATO Secretary-General, in a press conference, stated, “NATO is committed to supporting Ukraine’s security and sovereignty. We recognize the complex circumstances and have decided to prioritize protection as a stepping stone towards a more comprehensive approach. This strategy allows us to address Ukraine’s security needs while ensuring a measured and responsible approach towards NATO membership.”

The strategy is intended to strike a balance between providing Ukraine with the necessary security assurances and minimizing the potential for further confrontation with Russia. By focusing on protection, NATO aims to enhance Ukraine’s resilience, deter potential aggression, and foster stability in the region.


The decision has garnered mixed reactions, both within Ukraine and among NATO member states. Some argue that immediate NATO membership is essential to bolster Ukraine’s security and counter Russian influence effectively. They believe that a firm commitment to membership would provide a stronger deterrent against potential aggression.

Others, however, argue that a gradual approach, centered on protection, allows for a more nuanced response to the geopolitical realities in the region. They contend that strengthening Ukraine’s defense capabilities, promoting reforms, and fostering closer military cooperation can effectively address Ukraine’s security concerns in the short term, while keeping the door open for future NATO membership.

As NATO’s strategy for Ukraine unfolds, consultations and discussions will continue among member states, Ukraine, and other stakeholders. The focus will be on implementing measures to enhance Ukraine’s defense capabilities, foster interoperability with NATO forces, and promote stability in the region.

The path forward for Ukraine’s relationship with NATO remains complex and evolving. The strategy of prioritizing protection while refraining from immediate membership reflects the delicate balance between security considerations, geopolitical dynamics, and the long-term stability of the region.

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