
Who is the anonymous donor who gave a $260 million gift to an Israeli university but ignored Columbia?



An Ivy League graduate offended Columbia University, his old mater, by surreptitiously giving an amazing $260 million of his money to Israel’s largest university, Bar-Ilan.

According to the donor, Bar-Ilan is the most suitable public research institution since it is “best able to undertake the great task of expanding science-based technological resilience in Israel.”

What were the donor’s intentions and who is he?
The benefactor was identified by Bar-Ilan, the Israeli university that accepted the donation, as a “North American Jew and Columbia University graduate who was active in World War II.”

Despite his desire to stay anonymous, the contributor wanted his Columbia degree to be public knowledge.

The Columbia alum’s sizable donation to a significant academic institution in the Jewish state fueled rumours that she was offended by the anti-Israel and antisemitic protests that broke out at the uptown Ivy League university in the middle of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

It’s a direct insult to Columbia. It’s only the beginning,” pro-Israel activist, rabbi, and longtime political adviser Hank Sheinkopf told The Post.

The news was reported by A guessing game about the identity of the incredibly affluent contributor has also been sparked by the donation. Considering he fought in World War II, he would be close to 100 years old.

“The donor, a man with extensive academic training, thought that breakthrough research was the main factor in building Israel’s technological robustness. In a statement announcing the donation, Bar-Ilan president Arie Zaban stated, “During his visits to Israel, he recognised the significant impact Bar-Ilan University has made in key areas thanks to its science-based infrastructure and deep connections to all sectors of Israeli society.”

The money, according to him, will be used to further “deep tech” studies and “positively influence the future of Israel and humanity.”

This is one of the largest gifts given to a university since the notable hedge fund tycoon passed away. James Simons and his wife Marilyn Simons gave $500 million to Stony Brook University, a public university that is part of the SUNY system, last year. James Simons, though, passed away last month.

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