In a significant and dramatic development, Shahid Latif, an alleged conspirator in the 2016 Pathankot attack, has reportedly been killed in Pakistan. The incident brings renewed...
In the midst of ongoing geopolitical tensions and global crises, the human stories that often get overshadowed are those of individuals who find themselves caught in...
Amidst the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, American tourists in Israel are grappling with mounting challenges as they attempt to leave the country. Frustration and...
Escalating tensions in the Middle East, particularly the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, have sent shockwaves through global energy markets, resulting in a significant surge in oil prices....
In recent news, the world has been witnessing a harrowing and heartbreaking development as Israel has declared a “complete siege” on the already vulnerable Gaza Strip....
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is marked by decades of tension and violence, with frequent flare-ups that threaten the fragile peace in the region. One of the flashpoints...
The world is currently witnessing a turbulent time marked by conflicts, crises, and challenges that transcend borders. In this context, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call...
In the volatile region of the Middle East, tensions often run high, and conflicts can erupt at any moment. One such ongoing conflict is the Israeli-Palestinian...
As the world continues to grapple with the aftermath of the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, the plight of Afghan refugees has become an urgent concern. Amidst...
The Indian military is renowned for its professionalism, discipline, and expertise in a range of challenging environments. These qualities were once again on full display during...