Title: Strengthening Security: US Military Bolsters Defense in the Gulf Amidst Iran’s Tanker Seizures Introduction: The strategic waterways of the Persian Gulf have witnessed heightened tensions...
Title: Cyclone Mocha: Thousands Evacuated as Bangladesh and Myanmar Brace for Impact Introduction: Natural disasters can have devastating consequences, and the approach of Cyclone Mocha has...
Introduction: The long-standing conflict between Israel and Palestine has been marked by periods of relative calm and moments of intense flare-ups. Unfortunately, recent events have led...
Title: Believe in Democracy: A Reflection on the Pakistani Army’s Response to Unrest Introduction: Democracy stands as a cornerstone of modern governance, empowering citizens to participate...
Title: Alleged Recruitment Offers: Russia’s Controversial Bid to Attract Recruits in Ukraine Introduction Recent reports have surfaced, claiming that Russia is making significant recruitment offers to...
Title: Pakistan’s Participation in India’s ODI World Cup 2023 in Question: Growing Concerns and Uncertainties Introduction: The ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup is one of the...
Title: Defending the Official State Visit Invitation to Prime Minister Narendra Modi: Insights from the White House Introduction: In the realm of international diplomacy, official state...
In a major blow for the Mumbai Indians, England fast bowler Jofra Archer has announced that he will not be competing in the 2023 edition of...
The Indian government has recently taken a significant step to support Kashmiri fruit growers by forbidding the import of apples priced below Rs. 50 per kilogramme....
In recent days, tensions between Russia and Ukraine have reached new heights, with the announcement that Russia has suspended operations at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear reactor and...