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Hamas claims that if Israel ends the conflict in Gaza, it is prepared for a “full agreement.”



Regarding the ongoing aggression, Hamas announced on Thursday that it had informed mediators that it would not engage in further talks. However, it was prepared to reach a “complete agreement” that would include the handover of prisoners and hostages in exchange for Israel ceasing the conflict.

Negotiations to set up a truce between Israel and the Islamist movement in the Gaza War have frequently broken down, with both parties blaming the other for the lack of progress. These negotiations are being mediated by Egypt and Qatar, among others.

The most recent statement from Hamas was released as Israel continued its onslaught on Rafah, a city in southern Gaza, in defiance of an order by the highest U.N. court, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), to stop the airstrikes.

“Hamas and the Palestinian factions will not accept to be part of this policy by continuing (ceasefire) negotiations in light of the aggression, siege, starvation and genocide of our people” , the statement issued by Hamas said.

“Today, we informed the mediators of our clear position that if the occupation stops its war and aggression against our people in Gaza, our readiness (is) to reach a complete agreement that includes a comprehensive exchange deal,” it stated.

Israel has declared that it is determined to destroy an organisation that is set on destroying it and has rejected previous offers from Hamas as inadequate. It claims that the goals of the Rafah offensive are to free captives and eliminate Hamas fighters.

According to the health ministry there, Israel’s offensive has killed close to 36,000 Palestinians in all of Gaza. Israel began the operation after militants led by Hamas stormed villages in southern Israel on October 7, 2018, killing almost 1,200 people and taking over 250 captives, according to Israeli estimates.

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In front of a NYC display honoring the martyrs of October 7, anti-Israel demonstrators ignite flares and shout, “Long Live the Intifada.”



A crowd of anti-Israel demonstrators gathered in front of a memorial in downtown Manhattan honoring those killed on October 7, 2018, at the Nova Music Festival in Israel by Hamas terrorists. In front of the Nova Music Festival Exhibition on Wall Street, the audience indulged in a wicked celebration that included burning flares and waving a flag connected with the terrorist organization Hezbollah, which is backed by Iran.

During their altercation with police on Monday, June 8, the demonstrators chanted “Israel go to hell.” The pro-Palestinian organization Within Our Lifetime organized the protest, which got underway in Union Square. There were demonstrators who were spotted spreading a flag that said, “Long live October 7th.” “Long Live the Intifada” was even chanted by others.

In their comments on the video above, other X users denounced the behavior, saying, “This is utterly disgusting and shameful.” They are all capable of being killers and terrorists. These are the same folks who have demonstrated against Jewish hospitals and Holocaust museums, which is utterly repugnant. One user added, “There is no limit to their hatred,” while another stated, “These morally bankrupt hellions embody vacuous minds of intellectual bankruptcy and unbridled evil, showing depths of depravity while spreading malignancy without conscience or reason.”

“Expose them all and deport them. NYC was once really amazing. One person remarked, “Now it’s literally hell on earth.” Another said, “After an hour away from Twitter, I find this horror show.” The terror of Hamas never ends. This is getting old to me. “They should be arrested!” one person wrote. WE have traded a lie for the truth. It’s completely heinous and wicked in every way that can be imagined. Why do the people in the masses not speak up and expose these miscreants? A nation rises when its citizens are righteous, but it descends to the depths of hell when they are wicked.

The Nova Exhibit was originally scheduled to close on Sunday, but following the protest, it was revealed that it would stay open until June 22. According to its official website, “the installation sets out to recreate an event dedicated to peace and love that was brutally cut short by Hamas’s attack on Israel from Gaza on that fateful day.”


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After the Rafah tragedy, Nikki Haley came under fire for writing “finish them” on an Israeli shell and “deport her back to India”



Nikki Haley, a former contender for the US presidency, is coming under fire for writing “Finish Them” on an Israeli shell while touring locations close to Lebanon’s northern border.

An incensed social media user posted, “I support DEPORTING NIKKI HALEY to her ancestral homeland of India,” following the global success of her statement on an Israeli IDF bomb.

Danny Danon, a former UN ambassador and member of the Israeli Knesset who went with Haley on the visit, shared a photo of her on X that showed her kneeling and writing with a purple pen on a shell.

Danon wrote, “‘Finish Them.’” in her post. My buddy, the former ambassador Nikki Haley, wrote this, and it included the contentious photo.

Her speech has drawn criticism for being inflammatory and inconsiderate, especially in light of the ongoing genocide in Rafah and its effects on people. Social media is rife with complaints about Haley’s behaviour:

One X user said, “Shame on her existence, she is evil!”

“In the end, these missiles are going to be deployed to kill children and innocent bystanders. A third person said, “This is terrorism.”

The White House has declared that President Joe Biden does not intend to alter his Israel policy, despite the ongoing protests. Despite a tragic attack on Rafah over the weekend, he made it clear that he is not disregarding the pain of Palestinian residents.

Haley, who withdrew her quest for the presidency in March following a string of losses to Trump in Republican primary contests, announced her plan to support him lately. She is still a viable candidate for president in 2028, despite Trump ruling her out as a vice presidential candidate.

Following Hamas’s October 7 onslaught on southern Israel, which claimed 1,189 lives, the majority of them civilians, Israeli officials said that the Gaza battle intensified. In addition, 252 captives were taken by terrorists; 121 of them are still in Gaza, including 37 who the Israeli army claims are dead. The health ministry of Gaza reports that at least 36,096 individuals have died as a result of Israel’s retaliatory strikes, the majority of them were civilians.

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All eyes are on Rafah: an Israeli strike kills 45 civilians and sparks fury around the world



Israel is said to have carried out an airstrike at a refugee camp in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, killing up to forty-five individuals, including children. As Middle East tensions continue to rise, the incident caused a global outcry, with celebrities from all over the world denouncing Israel’s behaviour.

The majority of those slain in the Israeli bombing were camp residents in tents. Days prior, Israeli bombardment in the same region started a large fire inside the shelter. The military’s escalating assault on Rafah has sparked significant international indignation over the tent camp fire, including from some of Israel’s closest allies.

Sunday saw the start of Israel’s assaults on Rafah, which came just hours after Hamas fired several rockets towards Tel Aviv, the majority of which were deflected by the nation’s sophisticated defences.

Top updates on Israel’s airstrike in Rafah
45 civilians lost their lives as a result of Israeli military bombings and shelling close to Rafah, Gaza administration officials announced on Tuesday. Following the Sunday airstrikes, hundreds of refugees suffered burns and shrapnel injuries.

Days after the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to cease its operation in Rafah, the government launched an attack that sparked anger throughout the world and led to strong condemnation from its allies.

Just hours after Hamas fired multiple missiles into Tel Aviv, most of which were deflected by the country’s advanced defences, Israel began its assaults on Rafah on Sunday.

top updates regarding the Rafah attack by Israel
According to Gaza administration sources, 45 Palestinians were killed by Israeli military bombs and shelling near Rafah on Tuesday. After the bombings on Sunday, hundreds of refugees were injured by shrapnel and suffered burns.

The government launched an attack that caused worldwide indignation and drew harsh criticism from its friends, just days after the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to stop its operation in Rafah.

The military had not given the order for civilians to evacuate the districts west of Rafah when the strikes occurred a few days ago. Israeli tanks and ground forces have been active in the city’s centre, in the eastern portion of Rafah, and along the border between Gaza and Egypt.

Only one hospital in Rafah is open, according to Gaza’s health ministry, because to Israeli forces’ ongoing airstrikes and shelling. Additionally, they said that all major entry points for help had been blocked.

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