In a momentous event aimed at boosting employment opportunities and celebrating India’s progress, Prime Minister Narendra Modi graced the Rozgar Mela with his presence and personally...
As the political landscape continues to evolve, a recent incident involving Prime Minister Narendra Modi has drawn widespread attention and criticism. During a speech addressing the...
In the dynamic world of Indian politics, statements and counter-statements often dominate the headlines. Recently, a claim made by prominent Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge caught the...
New Delhi/Bengaluru, July 18, 2023 — As the political landscape intensifies in the run-up to the upcoming national elections, the recent party meetings held in Delhi...
The opposition meeting, held earlier this week in Bengaluru, saw several prominent opposition leaders come together to discuss their strategy for the upcoming national elections. However,...
New Delhi, India – The political atmosphere in India has heated up once again as Union Minister Smriti Irani engaged in a war of words with...
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has launched a scathing criticism against Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar following the untimely demise of a party worker. BJP leaders...
In a significant development, the upcoming opposition gathering in Bengaluru is set to witness the participation of 24 political parties, including the influential Muslim League, according...
Raipur, July 7, 2023 – In a significant development for the city of Raipur, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated and dedicated several infrastructure projects worth a...
Kamal Nath Criticizes Shivraj Chouhan: Examining the Sidhi Urination Case Politics often involves heated exchanges and criticisms between rival leaders, with each side seeking to gain...