The Canadian government has strongly condemned the recent Khalistan demonstration held in the country and expressed deep concern over the safety of Indian diplomats. In an...
In the realm of Indian politics, poster battles have become an increasingly common spectacle as parties engage in a war of words through visual displays. The...
In a significant move towards safeguarding individual freedom and promoting religious harmony, the state government of Karnataka has taken the decision to repeal the controversial Anti-Conversion...
India, the world’s largest democracy, has long been a nation known for its vibrant political landscape and passionate citizenry. However, in recent years, the country has...
In a recent legal development, Delhi's Deputy Chief Minister, Manish Sisodia, has had his judicial custody extended until June 1. This decision by a Delhi court...
Title: Smriti Irani’s Amethi Reminder: “If Rahul Gandhi Remains In Wayanad…” Introduction: The political landscape in India has always been vibrant, with numerous leaders and parties...
Title: Arvind Kejriwal and Mamata Banerjee: A Crucial Meeting Amidst AAP-Centre Row Introduction: In the backdrop of a recent clash between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)...
Title: Kejriwal’s Drive to Curb Corruption in Delhi: BJP’s Criticism Over Ordinance Scandal Introduction: The fight against corruption has always been a crucial issue in Indian...
Title: Delhi Government vs. L-G: How the Centre’s New Ordinance Violates the Supreme Court’s Decision on the Public’s Will Introduction: The ongoing power struggle between the...
Title: Updates to the JD(S) Candidates’ Winning List for the 2023 Karnataka Assembly Election Introduction: The Karnataka Assembly elections held in 2023 brought with them an...