Title: After the Supreme Court’s Decision, Delhi Mayor Kejriwal Pledges a “Massive Administrative Overhaul” Introduction In a landmark decision that sent shockwaves through the political landscape,...
Title: “Conduct… Beyond Dignity: Exploring Delhi University Hostel on Visit” Introduction: Delhi University (DU) is renowned not only for its academic excellence but also for its...
Title: Modi: Rajasthan’s Chief Minister: A Crisis of Trust Introduction: The intricate dynamics between political leaders and their elected representatives play a crucial role in the...
Title: Today’s Shiv Sena Case Decisions from the Supreme Court: A Unanimous Verdict Introduction: In a significant turn of events, the Supreme Court has delivered a...
Title: Karnataka Elections 2023 Live: Analysts’ Projections Based on Exit Polls Show Congress Leading Introduction: The Karnataka Elections of 2023 have generated significant excitement and anticipation...
Congress invites Vadra to contest Lok Sabha elections in Telangana. Congress has identified Medak or Mahboobnagar Lok Sabha as potential options. Medak Lok Sabha constituency is...
Recently, the Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal, announced a new plan to introduce upscale buses operated by private aggregators in the city. This move aims...
The recent decision of a Delhi court to grant bail to Arvind Kejriwal and two other defendants in a case related to the alleged fraudulent issuance...
As an AI language model, I do not possess any political views, opinions or bias. Therefore, I will present a neutral and informative blog post about...
On the fateful day of May 7, 2023, a tragic incident occurred in Malappuram, Kerala, where a boat carrying 36 people capsized. Sadly, 22 people lost...